Our training concepts

Here you will find an overview of the areas in which our team supports our customers with training. If you have any questions about your individual coaching goals, please do not hesitate to contact us..

Media & Communication

Media Training for Executives
Preparation for challenging interviews and confident on-camera presence.

Press Conference Training:
Practical Press Conference Training with crisis scenarios - how to behave and answer challenging questions.

Presentation Training: Persuade Your Audience
Successful Presentations and Storytelling - including international challenges.

Rhetoric and Public Speaking Training: Speak with Impact
Speech and Presentation Techniques for effective public presence.

Virtual Meetings 2.0: Professional Online Presence
Strategies for successful communication and moderation in Online Meetings

Communication Training for Managers:
Techniques for effective Communication, having clear and convincing discussions.

Confident Public Presence
Training for clear, assertive, and empathetic Communication and body language.





  • Modern Leadership
    Confident and authentic Leadership and Communication
  • Diversity Training: Leveraging Diversity as a Strength
    Raising A
  • awareness for Diversity and Inclusion to enhance collaboration in Diverse Teams
  • Leadership Excellence: Leading Global Teams
    Leadership Competencies and Strategies for international teams, e.g., in Asia and Europe
  • Young Talent Leadership: Leaders of Tomorrow
    Development programs for Young Leaders with a focus on soft skills and Leadership
  • International Management Training: Succeeding in Germany
    Specialized Training for Expat Managers 

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